Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Useful Information

Banta pulled out 6 people from a burning house... Still he was in jail.......You know why? Coz all the 6 were fire brigade staff ! --------------------------------------- TEACHER== Name four members of the cat family? STUDENTS== Daddy cat, Mummy cat and two kittens ! -------------------------------------------- Police man== Stop, stop, your headlights are not working. The Man== Move, move, even the brakes are not working. ---------------------------------------------- Why does history keep repeating itself? Because we weren't listening for the first time ! ------------------------------------------- An Astronomer was watching the sky from his telescope. Banta was observing him, Suddenly a star falls, Seeing that sardar shouted "kya nishana hai" ------------------------------------------------- "Doctor, doctor, will i be able to play the Violin after the operation?" "Yes of course...." "Great ! I never could before" ----------------------------------------------------- When ur life is in darkness pray to God Ask him to free u from darkness and Even after you pray and you are still in darkness, Please pay your ELECTRICITY BILL !

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