Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Useful Information

Philosophy of Life A wise man once sat in the audience and cracked a joke - all of them laughed like crazy. After a moment he cracked the same joke again a little less people laughed this time... He cracked the same one again no one laughed !!! Then he smiled and said ''when you can't laugh on the same joke again again then why do you keep crying over the same thing over over again'' FORGET the past and MOVE ON ...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Useful Information

Planning to buy a inverter with Battery to my home, any suggestion or recommendation or assistance pls. Thanks

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Useful Information

The Sardarji is Back ! Pappu, walked into a Bar and aggressively shouted his order to the bar man, ”Please give me half double chicken tandoori and then give everyone half a kilo steak and mutton, bcoz when I eat, I want everyone to eat!” Bar man processed his request and gave him his meal and everyone else their meals. When they finished enjoying their meal he shouted for another order, ”Give me a bottle of Champagne and give everybody else a bottle of Johnny Walker Black, bcoz when I drink, I want everybody to drink!” Everyone was happy and singing praises, saying Pappu is “The Man”. When Pappu finished his drink he shouted again: “Give me my bill and give everyone else their own bill, bcoz when I pay for my meals and drinks, I want everyone else to pay for theirs!”. . . His funeral will be this Sunday....

Useful Information

Top Sites Programming Languages Used.... 1. Google – Java (Web), – C++ (indexing) 2. Facebook – PHP 3. YouTube- Flash, Python, Java 4. Yahoo– PHP and Java 5. Microsoft– .NET 6. Wikipedia – PHP 7. Blogger – Java 8. MSN – .NET 9.Twitter – Ruby on Rails, Scala, Java Which one is your Favourite ? #COMMENT fast

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Useful Information

Thanks all for the Wishes.. Not able to reply everyone individually. Anyhow tried my Level Best. :) Feeling Blessed...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Useful Information

Me and Safi Sir Handling Class in Rudset (Advanced Skill Upgrade Program) Madurai International Airport (IXM)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Useful Information

Jaswinder's Uncle Mohinder was booked on a flight to Bombay from Amritsar. As this was his first time in an Aircraft, he made a few preparations that were somewhat unconventional. When the stewardess came around to take orders for the in-flight meal, Uncle Mohinder declared loudly, " I have brought my own lunch. Make sure you don't charge me for food and drinks ! " When everyone was served an in-flight meal, uncle Mohinder spread open his own home-cooked tiffin. An American Historian, sitting in the seat next to him... was curious about the food. " Excuse me Sir, but what is that drink you have there ? " he asked. Uncle Mohinder picked up the yogurt-based lassi drink and said, "It’s the Milk of India ! " A moment later, Uncle Mohinder began to eat a stuffed mooli paratha, with sarson ka saag. " And what is that dish?" asked the curious American. "Wheat of India!" proclaimed Uncle Mohinder proudly. After a while, Uncle Mohinder offered a selection of mithai, barfi, halva, to the American. "What is it?" asked the American. "Sweet of India!" replied the old man. After the meal, everyone was settling down when there was a loud "Ffffaaaaaarrrttt!" from the Uncle. "What was that?" asked the American with a sensory disgust. The old man replied coolly, "That's Air India!"

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Useful Information

தலைவரே முதன்முதலா பார்லிமென்ட்டுக்குள்ள நுழையும் போது என்ன நினைச்சீங்க..? இவ்வளவு கூட்டத்துல நம்மால நிம்மதியா தூங்க முடியுமான்னு நெனைச்சேன்!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Useful Information

Started a sweet day. :)

Useful Information

எதில் மகிழ்ச்சி!!! ஒரு பெரிய ஹாலில் செமினார் நடந்து கொண்டிருந்தது.அப்போது பேச்சாளர் எல்லார் கையிலும் ஒரு பலூனை கொடுத்து தங்கள் பெயரை எழுத சொன்னார். எல்லோரும் தங்கள் பெயரை பலூனில் எழுதி முடித்தவுடன் ,அதை இன்னொரு அறையில் நிரப்ப சொன்னார்.இப்பொழுது அந்த பேச்சாளர், உங்கள் பெயர் எழுதிய பலூனை அந்த அறைக்குள் இருந்து எடுத்து வாருங்கள் என்று அறிவித்தார். உடனடியாக அனைவரும் விழுந்து அடித்து அந்த அறைக்குள் ஓடிச் சென்று ஒவ்வொரு பலூனாக எடுத்து தேடினர் . ஒருவருக்கொருவர் நெக்கி தள்ளிக்கொண்டு கீழே விழுந்து தங்கள் பெயருக்குரிய பலூன் கிடைக்கிறதா என்று பரபரப்பாக தேடினர்.5 நிமிடம் கடந்த போதிலும் ஒருவராலும் தங்களுக்குறிய பலூனை தேடி கண்டு பிடிக்க முடியவில்லை. இப்பொழுது அந்த பேச்சாளர் சொன்னார், ’ஒவ்வொருவரும் ஒரு பலூன் மட்டும் எடுங்கள்,அந்த பலூனில் யார் பெயர் இருக்கிறதோ அதை அந்த பெயர் உடைய நபரிடம் கொடுங்கள்’ என்றார். அடுத்த ஒரே நிமடத்தில் தங்கள் பெயர் எழுதப்பட்ட பலூன் எல்லோருக்கும் கிடைத்துவிட்டது. இப்பொழுது அந்த பேச்சாளர் சொன்னார்,’இது தான் வாழ்க்கை.எல்லோரும் மகிழ்ச்சியை தேடுகிறோம், ஆனால் அது எங்கே,எப்படி,எதில் கிடைக்கும் என்று நினைப்பது இல்லை’. ’நம்ம சந்தோஷம் அடுத்தவர்களுக்கு உதவுவதில் தான் இருக்கிறது.அடுத்தவர்களுக்கு மகிழ்ச்சியை கொடுங்கள்,உங்கள் மகிழ்ச்சி உங்களை தேடி வரும்’.

Useful Information

சங்கீத வித்வான் : எனக்கு மேடையிலே பாடுரதவிட ரேடியோவிலே பாடறது ரொம்ப ஈசி நண்பர் : எப்படி? சங்கீத வித்வான் : செருப்போ கல்லோ தூக்கி எரிய மாட்டாங்களே

Useful Information

How To Be Happy All The Time (17 Rules For Happiness By Karl Moore) Every day, most of us focus on the grey clouds in the sky. Life is dim and gloomy, and showers are just minutes away. But we forget something. We don’t remember that just behind those clouds, the sun is beaming brightly – every single minute of every single day. These are 17 rules designed to shift your perspective, helping you to rediscover the happiness you may have forgotten. Rule #1 – Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself! It’s not going to help the situation. It’ll only help you to wallow in a state of apathy, playing the victim. The kind of person that things happen to, but that can’t do anything about it. By stopping feeling sorry for yourself, you can actually get on and DO something about it. If you want to be happy – stop feeling sorry for yourself. “Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world.” -Helen Keller Rule #2 – Be Grateful. Think of all the wonderful things you have to be grateful for right now. It could be your family. Or your health. Maybe your home. Your friends. Your brain. Your heart. Your spirit. We’ve all got amazing things in our own lives that make us smile with joy. And if we can count these blessings every day, we’ll discover a greater appreciation of the beautiful world we surround ourselves with. “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” -Meister Eckhardt Rule #3 – Say Yes More. We fight against what happens to us in life, rather than allowing it to be as it is. We resist it, rather than accepting it. We say “No!” rather than saying “Yes” – or even just “Okay.” By saying “Yes!” more to life, we go with the flow. Things become more enjoyable and positive, less stressful and anxious, and often the situation turns out for the better regardless. “I will say yes to every favor, request, suggestion and invitation. I will swear to say yes where once I would say no.” –Danny Wallace Rule #4 – Follow Your Bliss. Bliss is what you’re doing when you’re wrapped up in the moment. When you’re so thrilled just to be doing it, it ceases even to be work anymore. Your bliss occurs when you’re living in the moment, and time doesn’t really matter anymore. It’s not for the money, it’s for the pleasure. “When you follow your bliss, doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn’t be a door for anyone else.” –Joseph Campbell Rule #5 – Learn to Let Go. Remember, letting go doesn’t mean you “forgive” the person at the grocery store, or you “allow” that kind of behavior. It just means that you release the negative emotion inside of you. By releasing negative emotions, you’ll not only enjoy much more freedom in your life – you’ll also become more emotionally stable and less stressed too. “By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try, the world is beyond the winning.” –Lao Tzu Rule #6 – Do Random Acts of Kindness. The more we give, the more we receive. A Random Acts of Kindness or RAK is a small act of kindness that you grant to someone else in the world – for absolutely no reason whatsoever, without expecting anything in return. Just throw a little extra kindness out to the world – and watch how you find greater happiness starting to flood back into your own life. “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” -Dalai Lama Rule #7 – Happiness Is Only Ever Now. We spend so much time waiting to be happy in the future, or worrying about the past, that we forget to live in the moment. But here’s the thing: Life is transient. The past has gone. The future is just a dream. The only time that truly exists ever is RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW is the ONLY time you can do or change ANYTHING in your life. And NOW is the only time you have. “Few of us ever live in the present, we are forever anticipating what is to come or remembering what has gone.” -Louis LArmor Rule #8 – Experience, Don’t Hoard! Investing in experiences rather than material goods created greater lasting happiness. It doesn't have to be big and it doesn’t have to be expensive. And you can always do it on your own, too. By living, and truly experiencing life, we feel more whole, fulfilled and authentic. So, experience – don’t hoard – and you will be happy. “When youre curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.” –Walt Disney Rule #9 – Appreciate Both Sides of the Coin. The truth is that in order for you to experience true happiness in your life, you must experience sadness. Without sadness, we really can’t even understand what happiness is. Just enjoy and embrace all your life adventures. And when seemingly negative things happen, remember that it’s just the duality of life. It’s just the other side of the coin. It’s required. It’s part of the equation. “You don’t know when you’ve hit a peak until you’re coming down. And you don’t know when you’ve hit a trough until you’re climbing out. It’s all good.” –David Brent Rule #10 – Be More Social. Countless studies on the science of happiness have turned up one single characteristic of the happiest and most successful people in society. They have a large social network! Don’t just wait for interesting people to stumble into your life. Keep going and going. Expand your social circle as far as you can. Be the person that walks through town and bumps into a dozen friends. “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” -Marcel Proust Rule #11 – Love More! We must realize that we feel the most happy in life – when we are the one giving the love! The more we love others, the happier he became. The more we love the world around us, the happier we become. The more we love even our enemies, the happier we become. And best of all, WE can control the amount of love we give – and thereby control the amount of happiness we experience. “Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” –Barbara De Angelis Rule #12 – Have a Dream. Dream are critical. They light up life. Without them, we become bored, and tired, and apathetic. So, take this opportunity to really clarify your dreams. Take a pen and paper and spend an hour figuring out what you really dream about. But whatever you do, make sure you have a dream. They’re incredibly important. Dreams are the spark plugs of the spirit. Make sure yours are ready for action. “A person starts dying when they stop dreaming.” –Brian Williams Rule #13 – Intention Sets Direction. Decide on where you’re going and how it’ll be for you – and it’ll happen. set your intention first. Make it clear that you’re going to have a great time, you’ll meet some fantastic people, and that it’s going to be wonderful. Set your general intention every morning and every night, too. The brighter and more positive, the better. Set your sunny intention – and you will be happy. “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” –Henry Ford Rule #14 – Enjoy Simple Pleasures. It’s an attitude. The ability to appreciate the happiness, the beauty, the pleasure in the simple things around us. Remember the simple things that you truly enjoy. Then take time out to experience them again. Or even better, turn them into little daily or weekly rituals, filling your life with sunshine. Quite simply, enjoy simple pleasures and rituals – and you will be happy. “Simplicity is the essence of happiness.” -Cedric Bledsoe Rule #15 – Accept What Is. By accepting, welcoming, embracing what is, you clear all of your emotions. Your thoughts gain more clarity. You become happier. You experience more freedom. If you can change things, after accepting them, you’ll have a sharper mind and more energy to do so. Pointless worrying – there’s nothing you can do about it. Shrug and smile about it, that’s life. “Happiness is a function of accepting what is.” –Werner Erhard Rule #16 – Zoom Out and Don’t Sweat. You never, ever know what is around the corner. So, try regularly “zooming out” of your current picture, and realizing the true priorities in your life. If you can, do it every day – particularly when you return home from work. Then kick back your shoes, and enjoy some quality time with family and friends. Life is short. “If you do not raise your eyes you will think that you are the highest point.” -Antonio Porchia Rule #17 – Laugh, Dance, Smile! Surround yourself with happiness – wonderful music, dance classes, evenings with friends. Take time to laugh at the craziness of life! Splash out and enjoy to the max. True happiness, self-development, freedom, comes from inside – and is expressed externally in bright faces, a big smile, and plenty of laughing. Laugh at all of the silly problems you’ve been holding on to, so very well, for so long. “A friendly look, a kindly smile, one good act, and life’s worthwhile.” -Unknown

Useful Information

Some very good and interesting points / observations... I NEVER KNEW THIS ABOUT JAPAN .... 1 - Did you know that Japanese children clean their schools every day for a quarter of an hour with teachers which has led to the emergence of a Japanese generation who is modest and keen on cleanliness. 2 - any Japanese citizen who has a dog must carry a special bags to pick up dog droppings. Hygiene and their eagerness to address cleanliness is part of Japanese ethics. 3 - hygiene worker in Japan is called "health engineer" and can command salary of USD 5000 to 8000 per month, and a cleaner is subjected to written and oral tests!! 4 - Japan does not have any natural resources, and they are exposed to hundreds of earthquakes a year, but it did not prevent her from becoming the second largest economy in the world. 5 - Hiroshima returned to what it was, economically vibrant before the fall of the atomic bomb in just ten years. 6 - Japan prevents the use of mobiles in trains and restaurants. 7 - in Japan , students from the first to sixth primary years must learn ethics in dealing with people. 8 - the Japanese, even though they are one of the richest people in the world, do not have servants and the parents are responsible for the house and children. 9 - there is no examination from the first to the third primary level; because the goal of education is to instill concepts and character building, not just examination and indoctrination. 10 - if you go to a buffet restaurant in Japan you will notice people only eat as much as they need without any waste. No wasting food. 11 - the rate of delayed trains in Japan is about 7 seconds per year!! They appreciate the value of time, very punctual to minutes and seconds 12 - children brush their teeth after a meal at school; They maintain their health from an early age. 13 - students take half an hour to finish their meals to ensure right digestion. When asked about this concern, they said: These students are the future of Japan The Japanese might have lost the war, but look what they have done for their own Country. There are no bombs going off in crowded business-centers. Or ""Honor Killings"". If one is doing the wrong thing towards the community, he commits himself to finish his OWN life. That is "Honor Killing"!!!!!! Not killing OTHER innocent children, people.

Useful Information

Some very good and interesting points / observations... I NEVER KNEW THIS ABOUT JAPAN .... 1 - Did you know that Japanese children clean their schools every day for a quarter of an hour with teachers which has led to the emergence of a Japanese generation who is modest and keen on cleanliness. 2 - any Japanese citizen who has a dog must carry a special bags to pick up dog droppings. Hygiene and their eagerness to address cleanliness is part of Japanese ethics. 3 - hygiene worker in Japan is called "health engineer" and can command salary of USD 5000 to 8000 per month, and a cleaner is subjected to written and oral tests!! 4 - Japan does not have any natural resources, and they are exposed to hundreds of earthquakes a year, but it did not prevent her from becoming the second largest economy in the world. 5 - Hiroshima returned to what it was, economically vibrant before the fall of the atomic bomb in just ten years. 6 - Japan prevents the use of mobiles in trains and restaurants. 7 - in Japan , students from the first to sixth primary years must learn ethics in dealing with people. 8 - the Japanese, even though they are one of the richest people in the world, do not have servants and the parents are responsible for the house and children. 9 - there is no examination from the first to the third primary level; because the goal of education is to instill concepts and character building, not just examination and indoctrination. 10 - if you go to a buffet restaurant in Japan you will notice people only eat as much as they need without any waste. No wasting food. 11 - the rate of delayed trains in Japan is about 7 seconds per year!! They appreciate the value of time, very punctual to minutes and seconds 12 - children brush their teeth after a meal at school; They maintain their health from an early age. 13 - students take half an hour to finish their meals to ensure right digestion. When asked about this concern, they said: These students are the future of Japan The Japanese might have lost the war, but look what they have done for their own Country. There are no bombs going off in crowded business-centers. Or ""Honor Killings"". If one is doing the wrong thing towards the community, he commits himself to finish his OWN life. That is "Honor Killing"!!!!!! Not killing OTHER innocent children, people.

Useful Information

Child birth - Post Internet Age A little boy goes to his father and asks, "Daddy, how was I born?" The father answers, "Well son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, and Googled each other. There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said: "You've got male!"

Useful Information

New Technology...... 200 times stronger than steel... 150,000 times thinner than a human hair... more flexible than a sheet of paper You may have heard about Graphene. If you haven't, it's a newly discovered, very special refined form of graphite. It's a one-atom-thick sheet of densely packed carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice. Take a look: Put simply, it's a sheet of carbon atoms 150,000 times thinner than a human hair. Under a powerful microscope, it looks like chicken wire. But what's so special about it? Everything. For starters, it's 200 times stronger than structural steel... It's so strong you could suspend an elephant from a single strand of Graphene... and the strand would not break. It's extremely lightweight too... Soon, everything from bicycles and boats to aero planes and cars could be made out of Graphene composites. And when they are, their energy efficiency and durability could skyrocket. But that's just the beginning of what this new 'smart material' can do... Not only is it the strongest material researchers have ever tested — it's also one of the best conductors man has ever found. IBM has already created a graphene-based processor capable of executing 100 billion cycles per second. Researchers believe that in the future, a graphene credit card could store as much information as today's computers. Be clear... This one material alone could prove more revolutionary than — and soon REPLACE — plastic, Kevlar and the silicon chip In fact, it's such a breakthrough that the first two scientists to successfully produce single-atom-thick crystals of graphene were awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics. And for good reason... In just two years, over 200 companies from a wide array of industries have researched the magical potential of graphene... Scientists in the US and China are already using tiny graphene-based probes to target and identify tumors in live mice. They hope similar graphene-based particles could shuttle cancer drugs to tumors...or even kill tumor cells directly! Engineers at Northwest University, Seattle, found that specially crafted graphene electrodes could allow a lithium-ion battery — like those found in your smart phone or Toyota Prius — to charge 10 times faster and hold 10 times more power. And in 2011, chemists at Rice University, Houston, created graphene-based thin films — unlocking the secret to incredibly flexible, super-durable touch screens and solar cells that can wrap around just about anything... Samsung have already said its flexible displays should enter full-scale production later this year — and it expects to have a dozen more graphene-based products on the market within the next five. IBM, Nokia and Apple are hot on their heels too. Touch screens...processor chips...casings...and batteries in everything from PCs and HD TVs to tablets, mobile phones and hybrids could be all made with graphene. It could change entire industries...economies...and our lives. Imagine... HD TVs as thin as wallpaper... Smart phones so skinny and flexible you can roll them up and put them behind your ear...and so durable you can beat them with a hammer! It's mind-blowing. Imagine how our world — and your life — would change if the batteries that run your iPhone...your Kindle...and your laptop held 10 TIMES more power and charged 10 TIMES faster than they do now... If you could eliminate breast cancer or prostate tumors with a simple injection...or by swallowing a graphene-charged pill... If your house were strong enough to withstand a bush fire — and your windows processed enough solar energy to heat your home in winter and cool it in the summer... If the car you drove were six times lighter and 20 times stronger... The effects would be staggering! Fuel-efficiency would shoot through the roof. People would live longer, healthier lives. Cars and aero planes would be lighter, faster and safer than ever before. And electronics of every type would be launched into an era of unprecedented growth and evolution. This is just a taste of the cutting-edge innovations coming in the Molecular Age... ...innovations that will reshape the future in the months and years ahead...and it's starting now. You're looking at a simultaneous eruption of new-age technologies that will alter our lives on a scale not seen for 100 years All this technological change and innovation will transform the world... 'Nano batteries' will charge your mobile in seconds...and even power whole cities... 'Smartphones' will carry the computing power of IBM's Watson Supercomputer... A new era of computing mobility — none of the solid rectangular things we carry now but flexible, wearable devices... Handheld 'breathalyzers' will diagnose disease in seconds... Bionic limbs with human fluidity and dexterity, but the strength of Superman! Spacecraft with the capacity to take us beyond our solar system into places and worlds never explored...

Useful Information

Once a bright intelligent young man went for IAS (Indian Civil Service) interview. He was asked - Q 1. When did India get independence? He answered - The efforts started long back; but could succeed in 1947. Q 2. Who were the persons, who played important role in this fight for independence? Answer - There are many people, who were involved and contributed in this. If I give a name, it will be injustice to others. Q 3. Do you think, corruption is the greatest enemy of the country? Answer - A committee is investigating in this matter. I can give a correct reply to this only after seeing the report. The interview board was impressed by his original ideas. They asked him to wait outside; but also advised him not to reveal the questions, as they may ask the same questions to other candidates also. When the young man went out of the room, Buba Bordilon inquired about the questions asked. The young man said that he had promised the interview board not to disclose the questions. But, Buba found a way out. "Tell me the answer you gave".. The young man, thought it to be okay, as he was not going back on his words of "not disclosing the QUESTIONS". So he gave him the three answer which Buba quickly learnt by heart. When Buba went in for interview, this is what happened. Q 1. When were you born? Buba:- The efforts started long back, but could succeed in 1947. Interviewers got confused...they asked next question. Q 2. What is your father's name? Buba :- There are many people, who were involved and contributed in this. If I give a name, it will be injustice to others. The board members were shocked at the reply. they said. Q 3. Are you mad? Buba:- A committee is investigating in this matter. I can give a correct reply to this only after seeing the report.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Useful Information

GOOGLE :- Global Organisation of Oriented Group Language of Earth APPLE :- Asian Passenger Pay Load Experiment HP :- Hewlett - Packard IBM :- International Business Machines Corporation HCL :- Hindustan Computer Limited WIPRO :- Western India Product Limited GE :- General Electronics INFOSYS :- Information System TCS :- Tata Consultancy Services AOL :- American Online BPL :- British Process Laboratory INTEL :- Integrated Electronics CISCO :- Computer Information System Company DELL :- michael DELL SONY :- Sound Of New York AMD :- Advance Micro Devices LENOVO :- LE (Legend), NOVO (New) COMPAQ :- Compatibility And Quality

Useful Information

Banta pulled out 6 people from a burning house... Still he was in jail.......You know why? Coz all the 6 were fire brigade staff ! --------------------------------------- TEACHER== Name four members of the cat family? STUDENTS== Daddy cat, Mummy cat and two kittens ! -------------------------------------------- Police man== Stop, stop, your headlights are not working. The Man== Move, move, even the brakes are not working. ---------------------------------------------- Why does history keep repeating itself? Because we weren't listening for the first time ! ------------------------------------------- An Astronomer was watching the sky from his telescope. Banta was observing him, Suddenly a star falls, Seeing that sardar shouted "kya nishana hai" ------------------------------------------------- "Doctor, doctor, will i be able to play the Violin after the operation?" "Yes of course...." "Great ! I never could before" ----------------------------------------------------- When ur life is in darkness pray to God Ask him to free u from darkness and Even after you pray and you are still in darkness, Please pay your ELECTRICITY BILL !

Useful Information

Banta pulled out 6 people from a burning house... Still he was in jail.......You know why? Coz all the 6 were fire brigade staff ! --------------------------------------- TEACHER== Name four members of the cat family? STUDENTS== Daddy cat, Mummy cat and two kittens ! -------------------------------------------- Police man== Stop, stop, your headlights are not working. The Man== Move, move, even the brakes are not working. ---------------------------------------------- Why does history keep repeating itself? Because we weren't listening for the first time ! ------------------------------------------- An Astronomer was watching the sky from his telescope. Banta was observing him, Suddenly a star falls, Seeing that sardar shouted "kya nishana hai" ------------------------------------------------- "Doctor, doctor, will i be able to play the Violin after the operation?" "Yes of course...." "Great ! I never could before" ----------------------------------------------------- When ur life is in darkness pray to God Ask him to free u from darkness and Even after you pray and you are still in darkness, Please pay your ELECTRICITY BILL !

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Useful Information

இவர்கள் திரைக்கு வருவதற்கு முன் என்ன செய்துகொண்டிருந்தார்கள்? 1. ஜெமினி கணேசன் - உதவிப் பேராசிரியர் 2. சிவக்குமார் - ஓவியர் 3. விஜயகாந்த் - அரிசிக் கடை 4. பாக்யராஜ் - ஜவுளிக்கடை 5. ரகுவரன் - உணவு விடுதி 6. பாலசந்தர் - அக்கவுண்டண்ட் 7. விசு - டி .வி.எஸ். ஊழியர் 8. மோகன் - வங்கி ஊழியர் 9. எஸ். வி. சேகர் - மேடை நாடக ஒலி அமைப்பாளர் 10. ரஜினிகாந்த் - பஸ் கண்டக்டர் 11. நாகேஷ் - ரயில்வே குமாஸ்தா 12. அஜித் - டூ வீலர் மெக்கானிக் 13. பாரதிராஜா - மலேரியா ஒழிப்பு இன்ஸ்பெக்டர்

Monday, March 3, 2014

Useful Information

திருச்செந்தூரில் செந்தில் வேலவன் நிகழ்த்திய அற்புதம் (ஒரு முக்கிய வரலாற்று நிகழ்வு): முருகப் பெருமான் அருள் புரியும் அறுபடை வீடுகளுள் ஒன்று திருச்செந்தூர்.1648 ஆம் ஆண்டு கடல் மார்கமாக வந்த டச்சுப் (Dutch) படையினர் திருச்செந்தூர் திருக்கோயிலைக் கைப்பற்றினர். அப்பகுதியை ஆண்டு வந்த திருமலை நாயக்கர் சிறந்த முருக பக்தர். பெரும் படையுடன் சென்று டச்சுப் படைகளை எதிர்க்க முனைந்தார். எனினும் அம்முயற்சி வெற்றி பெறவில்லை. திருக்கோயில் நகைகளை கைப் பற்றியதோடு நில்லாமல், ஷண்முகர் - நடராஜர் ஆகிய இரு உற்சவ மூர்த்திகளையும்(தங்க விக்கிரகங்கள் எனக் கருதி) எடுத்துக் கொண்ட டச்சுப் படையினர், மீண்டும் கடல் வழியே தங்கள் பயணத்தைத் தொடர்ந்தனர். மேலும், செல்லும் வழியிலேயே உற்சவ மூர்த்திகளை உருக்கும் முயற்சியிலும் ஈடுபட்டனர். அச்சமயம் கடல் நீரில் திடீரென்று பெரும் கொந்தளிப்பு ஏற்பட்டது. காற்றும் பெரும் வேகம் கொண்டு சூறாவளி என மாற, கப்பல் கடுமையாக ஆட்டம் காணத் துவங்கியது. டச்சுப் படையினர் மிகவும் கலங்கி, ஏக மனதாக முடிவெடுத்து, தாங்கள் கைப்பற்றிய உற்சவ மூர்த்திகளை கடலில் சேர்ப்பித்து விட்டனர். அந்த கணமே கடல் நீரின் கொந்தளிப்பு தணிந்து, காற்றின் வேகமும் சீர் அடைந்தது கண்டு டச்சுப் படையினர் பெரு வியப்புற்றனர். இந்த வரலாற்று நிகழ்வு டச்சு நாட்டின் ராணுவ குறிப்புகளிலும்பதிவு செய்யப் பட்டுள்ளது. இச்சம்பவம் நடந்து ஐந்து ஆண்டுகளுக்கு பின், உற்சவ மூர்த்திகளை மீண்டும் செய்விக்கும் பணி தொடங்கப் பெற்றது. அதே சமயம், வடமலையப்பர் என்னும் பக்தரின் கனவில் ஆறுமுகக் கடவுள் தோன்றி, உற்சவ மூர்த்திகள் கடலில் எழுந்தருளி இருக்கும் இடத்தை காண்பித்து, அடையாளமாக கருடப் பறவையும் தோன்றும் என்று அறிவித்து அருளினார். திருவருள் திறத்தை வியந்து போற்றிய வடமலையப்பர், கடலில் மூர்த்திகளை தேடும் பணியைத் துவங்கினார். குறிப்பிட்ட இடத்தில், கருடப் பறவையும் வானில் தோன்ற, கடலுக்கு அடியில் நீந்திச் சென்று உற்சவ மூர்த்திகளை வெளிக் கொணர்ந்தனர். திருச்செந்தூர் திருக்கோயிலில் ஒரு சுபயோக தினத்தில் மீண்டும் ஷண்முகப் பெருமானை பிரதிஷ்டை செய்தனர். திருச்செந்தூர் வாழ் மக்களும், தங்கள் வாழ்வோடும், ஆன்மாவோடும் கலந்து விட்ட ஷண்முகக் கடவுளை போற்றித் துதித்தனர்.

Useful Information

A wonderful short story :: HOW CAN WE BE HAPPY ? Once a group of 50 people was attending a seminar. Suddenly the speaker stopped and decided to do a group activity. He started giving each one a balloon. Each one was asked to write his/her name on it using a marker pen. Then all the balloons were collected and put in another room. Now these delegates were let in that room and asked to find the balloon which had their name written, within 5 minutes. Everyone was frantically searching for their name, colliding with each other, pushing around others and there was utter chaos. At the end of 5 minutes no one could find their own balloon. Now each one was asked to randomly collect a balloon and give it to the person whose name was written on it. Within minutes everyone had their own balloon. The speaker began— exactly this is happening in our lives. Everyone is frantically looking for happiness all around, not knowing where it is. Our happiness lies in the happiness of other people. Give them their happiness; you will get your own happiness. And this is the purpose of human life. Is this not what you are looking for?

Useful Information

நடு ராத்திரியில் அந்த போலிஸ் ஸ்டேஷன் ஃபோன் அடித்தது. தூக்கக் கலக்கத்துடன் அதை எடுத்தார் டூட்டி கான்ஸ்டபிள் “ஹலோ..?” “ஒரு திருடன் மாட்டிக்கிட்டான், உடனே வாங்க” “மாட்டிக்கிட்டான்னா? எங்கே மாட்டிக்கிட்டான்? அட்ரஸ் சொல்லுங்க” “மார்க்கண்டேயன்தெரு தெரியுமா?” “தெரியும் சொல்லுங்க” “அங்கே ஒரு பிள்ளையார் கோயிலுக்கு எதிர்வீடு” ”தெரியும்.. சொல்லுங்க” “அங்கதான் சார் பெட் ரூம்ல சிக்கியிருக்கான்” “ஓஹோ.. நீங்க யாரு?” “நாந்தான் சார் அந்த சிக்கின திருடன், உடனே வந்து காப்பாத்துங்க சார்” “அது கஷ்டம். காலைலதான் வர முடியும்” “ஏன் சார்?” “அவளுக்கு பயந்துதான் ய்யா நான் பர்மனண்ட்டா நைட் ட்யூட்டி வாங்கிகிட்டு இருக்கேன்

Useful Information

1.நேத்து ஏன்ஆபீஸ்-க்கு வரலே? ஒரு சேன்ஜ்-க்கு வீட்டிலேயே தூங்கிட்டேன் 2.மாங்க மடையனை சிங்கம் கடிச்சா என்ன செய்யும் ? தின்னுடும். இல்லை புளிக்குதுன்னு துப்பிடும். 3.என்ன தான் ஸ்டன்ட் மாஸ்டர் மகன இருந்தாலும் வேலைக்கு அப்ளை பண்றப்போ ரெஸ்யும் தான் வைக்கணும் டிஸ்யும் வைக்க முடியாது. 4. நேரு சொன்னார்: சோம்பேறித்தனமே மிகப் பெரிய எதிரி..... காந்தி சொன்னார்: உங்கள் எதிரிகளையும் நேசியுங்கள்.... இப்ப சொல்லுங்க... மாமா சொல்றத கேக்குறதா? இல்ல தாத்தா சொல்றத கேக்குறதா? 5.டைம் இஸ் கோல்டுன்னு சொன்ன, நீ ஏன் ஒத்துக்க மாட்டேங்குற? அதை அடமானம் வைக்க முடியாதே